To: The Record
From: Stevie Lanini, PAG Secretary
Subject: September / 2024 PAG BOD meeting
Attendees: Rachel, Druvi, Diane, Bill, and Stevie
Location: Parker Library
Purpose of the meeting:
Tents are ok but it's only 3 hours so not sure if we want to take the time to set up tents and grids for such a short amount of time. At this time there are about 7 artists that have responded to coming to the wine walks. We would like to use the sandwich board and possibly have different artists in PAG make signs that we can swap out for each wine walk. On Facebook, the wine walk says it is sponsored by PAG! Very cool!
Only one person came last time (shoutout to Druvi – holding down the fort!). We discussed having the sandwich board and maybe some music at the farmers market to advertise what we are doing. We also discussed the possibility of having it less than every Sunday (once a month?). Other potential ideas for the farmers market could be having a PAG table so people can get more information, and that this should be more of an event vs. artists making art together outside. There was discussion of making it a children’s community event; more family-focused than artists making art outside.
There was talk of the dates possibly changing from what we decided at the last members meeting (something about a car show that was booked the same weekend) – this information was not confirmed because there wasn’t anyone to report on it (but we did speak on it so I am keeping it in the notes)
3 pcs sold so far! Is it because of the posters? Or possibly the Farmers Market? The reason is unknown but we are all very pleased with the sales!!! We had 75 posters printed for this event.
We need judges who are not PAG members – if anyone knows someone please let us know! Shoutout to Bill for helping with the hanging for this show! We had questions about when judging would take place (hoping Jeanne can fill us in when she comes back). We spoke about getting the submission images to create the poster for this event. The images we use on the poster do not need to be the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place winners – just something that would catch people’s eyes and get the word out there. We would like to have posters printed and ready to hand out when artist drop their art off. The sooner we can get a poster made the better and we are thinking of doing 200 posters for this show. We spoke about having a raffle instead of a silent auction. We discussed the options of having it be a mystery and people buying tickets at the Best of PAG reception (do a raffle every 30 min or so). We could ask members to donate art at the next member's meeting. Another option would be to have the items we are raffling on display at the schoolhouse.
Would the school house workers be able to take payment and give out raffle tickets on our behalf? A third option was to have the silent auction be online so people could bid and view the items prior to the show. Nothing was set in stone but lots of good ideas from everyone in attendance!
We have a list of volunteer positions needed (I will make another section just for this below) but in addition to being the overall Venue Coordinator, we would like them to take on finding new venues and opportunities for PAG.
Jeanne needs help with this (also added to the ‘volunteers needed’ list). At this time only 2 or 3 people have passwords. No other information at this time.
Went over the 2025 schedule. We discussed having the ‘Less than a Benjamin’ submission fee being lower? We also discussed having a suggestion box at the next members' meeting so we can get more show ideas (and also just get general
Could be anyone in PAG – no other information at this time. (also added to the ‘volunteers needed’ list)
Dhruvi and myself (Stevie) are interested in teaching classes! I need to reach out to someone at PACE (I think their name is Karie – but I don’t have an email lol). When I get the correct contact info I will send an email asking for more information (and Ill Cc Druvi on it too!). Bill was telling us how PAG used to do ‘Lessons with Lemonade” but it seemed like after a while that was tiresome for both PAG and the community. Bill also told us of a previous event that PAG did in the past called ‘Let's Hang Together’ – from what I understood young artists were partnered up with PAG members as a mentor/mentee type of deal. Then there was an art show where the mentor and mentee had their art hung next to each other. It was a great success but never done again.
Stevie would like to take charge of this project but more information is needed before commitments are made. We would like to know how many murals, when, and where. Also is there a specific theme? Possibly thinking of doing a stained glass theme and make it easy for members to come and fill in a space with paint (the details still need to be worked out). We talked about having our PAG member meeting be at the mural and our members can help paint it in – but again, more information is needed.
Positions we need volunteers for:
-New Venue Committee/Venue Coordinator
-3 Jurors (non-PAG members)
-Advertising (help pass out flyers)
-Raffle person (idk what to call them) needed for Best of PAG
-PAG website help
-Grant Writer
-Art Teachers for PACE classes (but I think Dhruvi and Stevie are going to be the best art teachers in the history of art lol)
We discussed getting a list of PAG members who have NOT volunteered and did NOT do the ‘buy out of volunteering’ option. We talked about sending them an email basically saying “We need volunteers and you have not volunteered yet. Here is what we need help with” (but more professional than that) We also discussed sending out a survey to our members to get more feedback and information about who is in PAG and what their needs are. Stevie has a survey typed up (sending later) and it might be a possibility that the newsletter program, Mail Chimp, has a survey option. We need to see if this is an option. The meeting was adjourned at 6:25 pm.
To: The Record
From: Stevie Lanini, PAG Secretary
Subject: September / 2024 PAG BOD meeting
Attendees: Rachel, Druvi, Diane, Bill, and Stevie
Location: Parker Library
Purpose of the meeting:
Tents are ok but it's only 3 hours so not sure if we want to take the time to set up tents and grids for such a short amount of time. At this time there are about 7 artists that have responded to coming to the wine walks. We would like to use the sandwich board and possibly have different artists in PAG make signs that we can swap out for each wine walk. On Facebook, the wine walk says it is sponsored by PAG! Very cool!
Only one person came last time (shoutout to Druvi – holding down the fort!). We discussed having the sandwich board and maybe some music at the farmers market to advertise what we are doing. We also discussed the possibility of having it less than every Sunday (once a month?). Other potential ideas for the farmers market could be having a PAG table so people can get more information, and that this should be more of an event vs. artists making art together outside. There was discussion of making it a children’s community event; more family-focused than artists making art outside.
There was talk of the dates possibly changing from what we decided at the last members meeting (something about a car show that was booked the same weekend) – this information was not confirmed because there wasn’t anyone to report on it (but we did speak on it so I am keeping it in the notes)
3 pcs sold so far! Is it because of the posters? Or possibly the Farmers Market? The reason is unknown but we are all very pleased with the sales!!! We had 75 posters printed for this event.
We need judges who are not PAG members – if anyone knows someone please let us know! Shoutout to Bill for helping with the hanging for this show! We had questions about when judging would take place (hoping Jeanne can fill us in when she comes back). We spoke about getting the submission images to create the poster for this event. The images we use on the poster do not need to be the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place winners – just something that would catch people’s eyes and get the word out there. We would like to have posters printed and ready to hand out when artist drop their art off. The sooner we can get a poster made the better and we are thinking of doing 200 posters for this show. We spoke about having a raffle instead of a silent auction. We discussed the options of having it be a mystery and people buying tickets at the Best of PAG reception (do a raffle every 30 min or so). We could ask members to donate art at the next member's meeting. Another option would be to have the items we are raffling on display at the schoolhouse.
Would the school house workers be able to take payment and give out raffle tickets on our behalf? A third option was to have the silent auction be online so people could bid and view the items prior to the show. Nothing was set in stone but lots of good ideas from everyone in attendance!
We have a list of volunteer positions needed (I will make another section just for this below) but in addition to being the overall Venue Coordinator, we would like them to take on finding new venues and opportunities for PAG.
Jeanne needs help with this (also added to the ‘volunteers needed’ list). At this time only 2 or 3 people have passwords. No other information at this time.
Went over the 2025 schedule. We discussed having the ‘Less than a Benjamin’ submission fee being lower? We also discussed having a suggestion box at the next members' meeting so we can get more show ideas (and also just get general
Could be anyone in PAG – no other information at this time. (also added to the ‘volunteers needed’ list)
Dhruvi and myself (Stevie) are interested in teaching classes! I need to reach out to someone at PACE (I think their name is Karie – but I don’t have an email lol). When I get the correct contact info I will send an email asking for more information (and Ill Cc Druvi on it too!). Bill was telling us how PAG used to do ‘Lessons with Lemonade” but it seemed like after a while that was tiresome for both PAG and the community. Bill also told us of a previous event that PAG did in the past called ‘Let's Hang Together’ – from what I understood young artists were partnered up with PAG members as a mentor/mentee type of deal. Then there was an art show where the mentor and mentee had their art hung next to each other. It was a great success but never done again.
Stevie would like to take charge of this project but more information is needed before commitments are made. We would like to know how many murals, when, and where. Also is there a specific theme? Possibly thinking of doing a stained glass theme and make it easy for members to come and fill in a space with paint (the details still need to be worked out). We talked about having our PAG member meeting be at the mural and our members can help paint it in – but again, more information is needed.
Positions we need volunteers for:
-New Venue Committee/Venue Coordinator
-3 Jurors (non-PAG members)
-Advertising (help pass out flyers)
-Raffle person (idk what to call them) needed for Best of PAG
-PAG website help
-Grant Writer
-Art Teachers for PACE classes (but I think Dhruvi and Stevie are going to be the best art teachers in the history of art lol)
We discussed getting a list of PAG members who have NOT volunteered and did NOT do the ‘buy out of volunteering’ option. We talked about sending them an email basically saying “We need volunteers and you have not volunteered yet. Here is what we need help with” (but more professional than that) We also discussed sending out a survey to our members to get more feedback and information about who is in PAG and what their needs are. Stevie has a survey typed up (sending later) and it might be a possibility that the newsletter program, Mail Chimp, has a survey option. We need to see if this is an option. The meeting was adjourned at 6:25 pm.